What kind of gift giver are you? What do your gifts say about you? Are you annoyed by your own motives for giving at Christmas and on other occasions? How can you improve your gift-giving habits? >>>READ MORE >>>
What Kind of Gift Giver Are You?
September and October are the perfect months to start planning your Christmas gift shopping, especially if you’re on a tight budget. You can carefully choose the gifts and you don’t have to buy them in bulk. You can buy gifts in a series of shopping trips. But no matter how early one plans the gifts to give, it is quite realistic to say that no Christmas ever dawns that doesn’t bring its own disappointments, regrets, and plain old sulking. How we’d wish we could sign a gift-wrapped card with love and enclose it with a check for a million dollars. But only a few can do that, and still we all want our beneficiaries to say, “Wow, I’ve always wanted this!” Fortunately, expense isn’t the main factor in getting that response. In fact many costly gifts remain cold and lifeless things.
What kind of gift giver are you? What do your gifts say about you? Are you annoyed by your own motives for giving at Christmas and on other occasions? How can you improve your gift-giving habits? >>>READ MORE >>>
What kind of gift giver are you? What do your gifts say about you? Are you annoyed by your own motives for giving at Christmas and on other occasions? How can you improve your gift-giving habits? >>>READ MORE >>>